Tuesday 10 November 2020

Chapter 34 The Wolf Den

  The whole tribe was beaming. Yuan was instructing the removal of the wolf corpses. After the wolf corpses were moved, the old people moved out the food they hadn't eaten before and everyone continued to eat.

    Although it took a day to prepare for the enemy this time, the actual time to start the battle is no more than two meals.

    Tonight everyone finally slept peacefully, but today it was replaced by 5 old people's vigil, and even the witch did not sleep. Usually two old people take turns to watch the night, but today the old people are happy and can't sleep, but there is still a trace of worry in their hearts.

    I am also afraid that tonight is just a dream, and after the dream wakes up tomorrow, the tribe will not obtain dozens of wolf corpses. There is no wolf meat and chestnuts that I can't finish eating. I'm afraid that after waking up, I will return to the days when I had a meal without a meal.

    So tonight, apart from staying at the entrance of the cave, the old people just let the other person pinch themselves from time to time, and when they really feel pain, they pinch the other person back with satisfaction.

    Or, from time to time, go to the entrance of the small cave where wolf meat is stored and circle a few times. Although the entrance is sealed and you can't see anything, just thinking about the things inside can make these old people happy to stay up all night.

    And they are not willing to let young people watch the night, although they have been letting the old men go to rest before, how can they let these young people watch the night?

    Just like a little old man with horns in his heart thought, "Those young people, they haven't slept for two days and two nights. They wake up early tomorrow morning and still have important things to do.

    As for us old men, when we were young, we had already slept enough. When did we not sleep for the whole winter? It’s okay to sleep less for two days, not to mention that you can still take a nap in the tribe during the daytime tomorrow, isn’t it? '

    As soon as it was a little bit bright, the old men began to bury the pot and cook. Today, it is still enough for meat and fish. Under Chen Chao's teaching, they already know that wild boar should be simmered for a long time to be delicious. As for how long it takes to simmer. , Probably it was just a day before the birds were chirping.

    They are not sure about the time, and now they don’t have a clock. Chen Chao teaches them to poke with a stick. They can easily poke through the flesh of the belt. That is soft and delicious!

    The chestnuts were also peeled off during their vigil last night. Otherwise, the night will be long and they will have to find something to do, especially now that the danger is gone, and no matter how excited they are, they are still a little sleepy.

    This way, while the wild boar is simmered, it can also boil the chestnuts to melt in the mouth, but their soup spoon has not been cooked yet, so they can only finish the pork at the end. Everyone is holding a pot and looking for a small wooden stick. Pick the chestnuts into your mouth.

    Although it is troublesome to eat, it is delicious if you can't carry it!

    So only a little old man with horns on his horns eats the slowest way. He grabbed the wild boar that he had just scooped out in one hand and took a bite. Oh, why is this wild boar a bit greasy!

    So he picked up his spoon again and scooped a chestnut in his mouth. Well, the chestnut is delicious, so soft and glutinous, but it's not too greasy~~ The

    hunting team set off after breakfast. They have an important task today. , Just go to the den of the black wolves!

    Chief Yuan thought in his heart,'I don't know where a group of wild wolves suddenly came out. I have never encountered such a big group of wolves when hunting in Tianyuan Mountain before! 'It is

    estimated that what was left yesterday is the young and strong power of the wolf pack, but just in case, it is better to cut the grass and remove the roots!

    Discussed with Chen Chao about his thoughts, the two hit it off and brought 11 stone axes from the tribe, each with two spears, and three without stone axes.

    The slings are ready to be made at the place, because they do not know the specific habitat of the wolves and may have to travel a long way, so it is not suitable to bring heavy slings.

    The hunting team followed the footprints and traces of the wolves all the way, plus Chen Chao drove the golden fingers all the way, and walked a full 30 kilometers before touching the lair of the black wolves.

    The cave is very concealed and covered by bushes. If it weren't for some cubs playing near the cave, it would be really easy to miss it.

    Yuan Guess was right. Only six old wolves were patrolling the territory outside.

    But Chen Chao feels that this should not be the only place to live. You must know that wolves’ caves are usually earth caves and tree caves, and wolves are creatures that can dig escape routes. The stone caves are strong, but there is no escape route. Transformation.

    Although soil caves are not as strong as stone caves, there are many escape routes that can be remodeled and are ventilated. Tree caves are like soil caves.

    The hunting team didn't disturb the six old wolves that were patrolling. They looked around for a while, and finally, under Chen Chao's deliberate guidance, found two more dirt caves.

    Inside, there are 3-9 little wolves who have not opened their eyes, but they can but did not see the she wolf. Could it be that they went out hunting?

    So the hunting team went back to the original stone cave first, took the six old wolves in one pot, and found that there was nothing inside. It seemed that the two dirt caves were the main ones.

    The hunting team divided into two groups and returned to the dirt cave, quietly waiting for the she-wolf who returned from hunting.

    Originally, Chen Chao planned to bring back all the cubs who hadn't opened their eyes, and kill them all when they opened their eyes, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. Domestication has passed through generations, and it is difficult to succeed in a short time.

    And even if it is successfully domesticated for a while, if these wolf pups carry rabies or something, give them a bite to the people in the tribe, let alone now, even in the future, the incidence and mortality of rabies will be very high. .

    In general, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Maybe the domestication has been successful, and some watchdogs can be trained to help guard the tribe, but there are too many uncertain factors, which is not easy.

    Out of various considerations, Chen Chao gave up the idea of ​​domesticating wolves.

    The nest of these wild wolves was successfully taken away. The hunting team finally returned to the tribe before the sun went down. The gathering team came back one step ahead of them and was processing the wolf carcasses by the river.

    Not far away, the tanned animal skins were dried. They were dried by the witch and the elderly after the hunting team set off today. It is estimated that they will not dry until tomorrow.

    Looking at the wood inventory in the tribe, the hunting team assigned some people to chop wood, and the remaining part followed Chen Chao to make stone axes.

    Chen Chao taught them how to make a stone axe while thinking about his next plan in his heart, building walls and collecting food! ! !

    But Tianyuan tribe, his initial site selection was not very good, although the initial one was on the water source on the left and the jungle on the right, with the big cave behind.

    However, he needs a place to build a high wall. It is best to plan something like a plain, like the endless horizon. Otherwise, it will be difficult to plan as it is now, because it will also take into account the future population expansion. After all, the Tianyuan tribe cannot have fifty people forever and 100 people forever.

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