Tuesday 28 December 2021

Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom Chapter 1

[March 10]

Will this road really be good?

I tried my best to survive for the past 10 days.

I have now completed my lesson.

[Kaigo High School]

[I want to finish school as soon as possible!]



“We will start the morning exercise.”


[March 1]

“OK folks.”

“Graduation will take 10 days.”

“I hope today will be safe, peaceful and calm.”



“We have again received complaints from parents about your teaching method.”

“Don't mind!”

“They must be strong! Some things cannot be conveyed with words, I just used some force.”

“Then it won't be peaceful here.”


“How would you like to go to dinner today?”

“I have a plan for today.”

“Then tomorrow?”

“I have a plan for tomorrow.”


“Here is my new book to be published next month.”

“If you like it, it's yours.”

“I even signed it.”

“Thank you.”

“Hiiragi-sensei, there are many packages coming for you here.”

“I'm coming now.”

Hiiragi was driving his wheelbarrow to transport incoming packages to his workshop.

Hiiragi-sensei's spoiled schoolgirls sensei barely hits the packages she is carrying, and the packages fall over.

“Good morning Sensei!” 

Don't be late for class.

[Laughing Sounds]

Sensei carelessly loads the dropped packages back into the wheelbarrow.

A female student of Sensei calls out from behind.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine, the bell rang.”


Sensei brings the packages he brings to the workshop and checks the products.

Sensei enters the classroom, of course, he has already locked the back door in advance.


“We couldn't open the back door.”

“Everyone sit in class.”

“Where are Kai-kun and his team?”

“Hey, we're on time.”

"What are you doing?"

"You are late?"

“Sensei, relax a little”

Sensei also locks the front door of the classroom.

“I have an important announcement today.”

“From this moment on, you whole class are my hostages!”

[3-A Class: Hostage from now on]

[New Chapter coming soon…]

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